Why You Need an Attorney for Residential Closings

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Buying or selling a home can be very exciting as you enter a new chapter of your life. However, it can also be a stressful process that lasts a long time. The closing process alone can take several weeks, so it’s important for you to have the right assistance throughout it, especially if you’re a first-time home buyer or seller. In other words, you need a real estate attorney to handle your residential closing.

Why You Need an Attorney for Residential Closings

There are several reasons it’s important to hire a real estate attorney for residential closings, but here are just a few of them:

  • State Law Requires It- The main reason you need an attorney for residential closings is to follow the law. While not all states have a law requiring an attorney to handle residential closings, North Carolina is among the states that do.
  • An Attorney Can Help with Paperwork- Everyone knows going into the buying or selling process that there’s going to be a lot of paperwork, but you still may not be prepared for the sheer number of documents you need to review or sign, including during the closing process. An attorney can make your load a bit lighter by handling lots of your paperwork.
  • An Attorney Can Review the Purchase Contract- A purchase contract contains important terms and contingencies that the buyer and seller agree to. By reviewing the purchase contract before you sign, an attorney can alert you about potential issues or help you negotiate more favorable contingencies.

If you need an attorney who is well-versed in real estate law and residential closings, contact us at Bright Law, PLLC.