How Mobile Closings Work

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Here at Bright Law, PLLC, we know that buying or selling your home or commercial property is exciting, but we also recognize that the process can be highly stressful. One of the most stressful parts of the process is the final closing, which on top of involving a great deal of paperwork can also be a beast to schedule, as you need to get so many people together in one place. To make the closing process go more easily, smoothly, and quickly, our team offers mobile closings. In this article, we will provide more detail about how mobile closings work, so you can decide if this approach is right for you.

How Mobile Closings Work

In a traditional real estate closing, the parties have to arrange a time to meet with a notary and a real estate lawyer in order to sign the necessary paperwork and officially transfer the property from one to the other. The biggest difference between mobile closings and traditional ones is that in a mobile closing, the notary comes to you, not the other way around. This obviously provides a great deal more flexibility for the parties involved in the sale, as they can now simply relax and enjoy their down time rather than having to coordinate their schedule to everyone else’s. In addition, mobile closings often also allow the parties to complete the sale earlier than they would have been able to if they stuck to a traditional closing. If you are interested in using our mobile closing services, just give us a call.